Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I run for fun

I've never considered myself particularly athletic. I danced for eleven years of my life and it wasn't until high school that I started playing field hockey. Still, I highly disliked the conditioning and intense physical activity, mostly doing it for the social aspect. I've always despised running. I'm pretty sure my fifth grade mile time was at least twenty minutes because I walked most of it. Obviously I improved a little bit by the time double sessions began in high school but I still struggled with my endurance level. Recently though, I've begun running. I felt like it was a good alternative to using the elliptical or treadmill and surprisingly, I enjoy myself. It's a perfect interval of me-time, running past the ocean and listening to upbeat music. Today I couldn't resist the sunny, 70-degree weather and ran my farthest distance yet: approximately 3 miles, to the lighthouse and back without stopping. 3 miles for someone else might seem like something they would do on an off-day, but for me, approaching my street at the end gave me an adrenaline rush because I had run the farthest I think I ever have. Though I'm not sure I'll be training for a half-marathon anytime soon, I think a 5K might be on the way!

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