Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day is always particularly tricky because I feel like I say the same thing every year. But the thing is, I mean it. This day emphasizes how much my mom means to me. Over the past 21 years, my mom has been incredibly supportive, from coming to everything I've been involved with to offering encouragement with exactly the right words. My mom has become my best friend and I am so grateful that we get along so well. I love taking walks with her and just talking. I love shopping excursions and riding in the car. I love that we have the same taste in such thing. I love that she has passed her faith on to me. And I especially love that she has given me her love. I am so proud to be following in her footsteps and am so fortunate to have her as a friend and role model. I love you, Mom!

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