Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"From where I'm standing, the sun is shining all over the place"

I spent part of this raw, dreary day watching one of my favorite feel-good movies - Singin' in the Rain. I fell in love with the musical when I saw it for the first time only a couple years ago. I haven't seen a lot of classics but the movie's comedic performances, original choreography, and upbeat soundtrack are charming. No matter my mood or the weather outside, I find myself unable to keep from singing along to "Good Morning" or smiling as Gene Kelly, so carefree, tap dances in the puddles. For 103 minutes, I am enchanted by old Hollywood...the glamor, the iconic dialect, the romance. It makes me want to put on a bright yellow rain jacket and shoes with bows like Debbie Reynolds', and tap in my kitchen. Certainly a remedy for any rainy day.

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