Sunday, April 24, 2011

Let us rejoice and be glad

This day could not have been any better to celebrate Easter. My family spent most of the day at home; my sister and I woke up to Easter baskets and an egg hunt (because no one is ever too old for Peeps and Cadbury Creme Eggs) and enjoyed a delicious french toast breakfast before going to Church. Following a day of cold rain and gray skies, I wholeheartedly welcomed the seventy degree weather and we took advantage of being outside before sitting down to our early dinner. With everything in bloom and the distinct smell of spring in the air, I'm willing to embrace allergies for the chance to leave the windows open for awhile.

On days like today, I cannot help but think about how grateful I am to have been raised with so much love and immersed in my faith. Such a simple way of spending this special day makes me able to appreciate its bearing. This weekend home was certainly refreshing and I think I am ready to complete my final three weeks of junior year.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sweet Caroline

Who can look at a newborn and not be instantly infatuated with the delicate fingers and wide eyes that gaze up at you wonderingly? This weekend I got to meet my new cousin who is simply precious. Not even two weeks old, she is incredibly alert and absolutely beautiful. Passed around amongst admiring relatives, she hardly made a sound. Sure, I may have missed margarita night in Crescent 811, but I cannot describe how content I was holding that tiny body curled into me. Surely a cuddly infant is the quickest way to forget the stress of the semester's end and genuinely revel in the gift of life.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Oh sunshine, where are you?

I don't exactly know what attracted me to blogging but my hope is that I will keep up with it. Even though I am an English major with a love for writing, I have never kept a journal. I find it tedious and fail to feel any satisfaction from it. Here, however, I like the idea of posting something short and sweet that makes me happy. Especially on days like today. April 13th and fog is suspended over Sleeping Giant, there is a steady drizzle, and the air is cool and raw. Despite the weather having a miserable effect on my mood and motivation to be productive, my hopes are high for flip flops and sundresses in the near future! Think spring!